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Power Supply ErSys P4 - 500W + SATA

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Type: PSU Desktop 500 Watt.

Specs and Features:

-High performance & Energy saving


-Low Noise,cable sleeving

-universal 24(20) pin connector

-Short circuit protector

-over circuit protection

-full support for pentium 4,dual core, core2 duo, and amd, CPUs


Power Supply ErSys P4 - 500W + SATA


Merek: ErSys

Kode Produk: 5102115411771

Ketersediaan: 15

Harga: Rp.208.500

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Mohon konfirmasi update stok dan harga terlebih dahulu via WA : 0812 2507 8998 (Fia)



Type: PSU Desktop 500 Watt.

Specs and Features:

-High performance & Energy saving


-Low Noise,cable sleeving

-universal 24(20) pin connector

-Short circuit protector

-over circuit protection

-full support for pentium 4,dual core, core2 duo, and amd, CPUs

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